Nothing But Air | Undergrad Senior Project
After years of cigarettes threatening youths and young adults’ health and livelihoods, a new type of smoking has been promoted as a healthy alternative and caused widespread addiction to vaping, resulting in lung complications at a much quicker and deadlier rate than cigarettes ever did.
Nothing But Air is an anti-vaping campaign targeted to teens and young adults, designed to deliver the truth about vaping with a message of hope for recovery and breaking addiction.
This campaign came from a place in my heart that has watched loved ones struggle with vaping and/or nicotine addiction. I wanted to create a campaign that would have benefitted those individuals during their addictive period.
Nothing But Air features an illustrated poster designed to be hung in schools, offices, etc. This poster is downloadable through the campaign website which also provides opportunities for peer discussion and professional resources for addicts. The sweatshirt features a wearable image to help promote the message “nothing but air belongs in your lungs” wherever it’s worn.
Designed in Adobe. Illustrated in Procreate.